Virtual Keyboard

Virtual Keyboard

In this project we have tried to reduce the gap between the real world and the augmented environment to produce a mixed reality system. 

For that purpose, we created a virtually controllable keyboard system which is created and implemented using OpenCV libraries and Python. We employ a web camera which is integrated with OpenCV libraries through a compiler. 

Using our system, user can control a virtual keyboard using their finger movements and finger tips. The, user selects an alphabet with their fingertip and move the keyboard with the help of hand gestures.

We implemented Virtual Keyboard to communicate with system using Hand Gestures and with out any additional hardware  but by using the webcam available in the system. The webcam simply captures the consecutive frames and compares them to recognize it as a click if there is a different in the contour.


In this project we implements the functionalities like,

  • Creating a Frame
  • Hand Gesture Detection (find and segment the hand region from the video sequence.)
  • Virtual Typing

And more Functionalities of Keyboard that we add further like, Copy/Cut/Paste/Mute/Unmute

How does it work?

Detection: With the help of a camera, a device detects hand or body movements, and a machine learning algorithm segments find the hand edges and positions of image.

Tracking: A device monitors the movements and frame to capture every movement and provide input for data analysis.

RecognitionThe system tries to find patterns in the gathered data. When the system finds a match and interprets a gesture, it performs the action associated with this gesture.


Applications of hand gesture recognition technology
    • Automotive

      • Lighting System

      • HUD

      • Biometric Access

      • Others

    • Consumer Electronics

      • Smartphone

      • Laptops & Tablets

      • Gaming Console

      • Smart TV

      • Set-Top Box

      • Head-Mount Display (HMD)

      • Others

    • Healthcare

      • Sign Language

      • Lab & Operating Rooms

      • Diagnosis

    • Others

      • Advertisement & Communication

      • Hospitality

      • Educational Hubs 

Tools and Technologies: 

Python, OpenCV, Mediapipe, CVzone, PyCharm


OpenCV is the most popular library for the task of computer vision, it is a cross-platform open-source library for machine learning, image processing, etc. using which real-time computer vision applications are developed.


Mediapipe is a cross-platform library developed by Google that provides amazing ready-to-use ML solutions for computer vision tasks. OpenCV library in python is a computer vision library that is widely used for image analysis, image processing, detection, recognition, etc.

CVzone : 

CVzone is a computer vision package, where it uses OpenCV and MediaPipe libraries as its core that makes us easy to run like hand tracking, face detection, facial landmark detection, pose estimation, etc., and also image processing and other computer vision-related applications.

Steps that we perform to create Project

Import Libraries for Virtual Keyboard Using OpenCV:

Here we are importing the HandDetector module from cvzone.HandTrackingModule and then in order to make the virtual keyboard work we need to import Controller from pynput.keyboard.

Now let’s take real-time input from cv2.Videocapture

We initialize HandDetector with detection confidence of 0.8 and assign it to the detector. Then we create an array of lists according to the layout of our keyboard and define an empty string to store the typed keys.

Defining Draw Function:

   keyboard = Controller()

Initialize the keyboard controller, and define a function with name draw() and it takes two arguments that is an image and the buttonList and return the image. Here Inside the draw() function, we are using cvzone’s cornerRect function to draw rectangle edges at the corner of each keys. It is in order to make our keyboard layout look better. It will look something like the below images.

Then we define a class called Button() and we give position, text and size as the inputs so that we can arrange the keyboard keys in a well-defined order.

class Button:
def __init__(self, first_pos, text, btn_size=[85, 85]):
self.first_pos = first_pos
self.text = text
if text == ' ': # if text is space
self.btn_size = [284, 85]
else: # for other btns
self.btn_size = btn_size

Main Program for Virtual Keyboard Using OpenCV:

Here comes the important part.

while True:
success, img =
# flip image, to avoid mirrored
img = cv2.flip(img, 1)

img = detector.findHands(img) # find hand
lmList, bboxInfo = detector.findPosition(img) # land marks

draw_all_buttons(img, buttonList)

# check for finger tip
if lmList:
for button in buttonList:
x, y = button.first_pos
w, h = button.btn_size

if x < lmList[8][0] < x+w and y < lmList[8][1] < y+h:
# dark btn colors
cv2.rectangle(img, button.first_pos, (x + w, y + h), (150, 150, 150), cv2.FILLED) # gray color
cv2.putText(img, button.text, (x + 18, y + 62), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4, (0, 0, 0), 3)
l, _, _ = detector.findDistance(8, 12, img, draw=False) # distance between 2nd and 3rd fingers

# click the particular btn
if l < 30:
# change btn colors # type on real keyboard
cv2.rectangle(img, button.first_pos, (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED) # green color
cv2.putText(img, button.text, (x + 18, y + 62), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4, (0, 0, 0), 3)
finalText += button.text

cv2.putText(img, finalText, (165, 400), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 5, (255, 0, 0), 3)

cv2.imshow("Virtual Keyboard", img)



Inside the while loop the main function takes place, first we read the real-time input frames and store it in a variable called img. Then we pass that image to the detector.findHands() in order to find the hand in the frame. Then in that image, we need to find the position and bounding box information of that detected hand.

Here we can find the distance between the top point of our index finger and middle finger, if the distance between the two is less than a certain threshold, then we can type the letter on which we are indicating. Once we get the position then we loop through the entire position list. From that list, we find button position and button size and then we plot it on the frame according to a well-defined manner.

After that, we need to find the distance between the top point of our index finger and middle finger. In the above image, you can see the top points which we require are point 8 and point 12. Hence we need to pass 8, 12 inside a distance finding function in order to get the distance between them. In the above code you can see detector.findDistance() and there we passed 8, 12, and image in order to find the distance and we set the draw flag to false so that we do not need any line between the two points.

If the distance between the points is very less we will use press() function to press the keys. In the above code and we are passing button.text in order to display that pressed key. And finally, we draw a small white rectangular box just below our keyboard layout in order to display the pressed key.

Once you execute the whole code it looks something like this.

After you bring the index finger and middle finger close to each other on top of a particular letter, you can type that letter.

Entire Code for Virtual Keyboard Using OpenCV:

Below is the entire code

import cvzone
import cv2
from cvzone.HandTrackingModule import HandDetector
from time import sleep
from pynput.keyboard import Controller

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
cap.set(3, 1280)
cap.set(4, 720)

keyboard = Controller()

detector = HandDetector(detectionCon=0.8)
finalText = ""
keys = [["a","b", "c", "d","e","f"],
["g", "h", "i", "j","k","l",],
["m", "n", "o", "p","q","r",],
["z"], " ", ""]

# all keys
# keys = [["q","w", "e", "r","t","y","u","i","o","p"],
# ["a", "s", "d", "f","g","h","j","k","l"],
# ["z", "x", "c", "v","b","n","m", " "],
# ["1", "3"]]

buttonList = []

def draw_all_buttons(img, buttonList):
for button in buttonList:
x, y = button.first_pos
w, h = button.btn_size
# draw keys
cvzone.cornerRect(img, (button.first_pos[0], button.first_pos[1],
button.btn_size[0], button.btn_size[0]), 20, rt=0)
cv2.rectangle(img, button.first_pos, (x + w, y + h), (255, 255, 255), cv2.FILLED)
cv2.putText(img, button.text, (x + 18, y + 62), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4, (0, 0, 0), 3)
return img

class Button:
def __init__(self, first_pos, text, btn_size=[85, 85]):
self.first_pos = first_pos
self.text = text
if text == ' ': # if text is space
self.btn_size = [284, 85]
else: # for other btns
self.btn_size = btn_size

for i in range(len(keys)):
for x, key in enumerate(keys[i]): # enumerate return no of iterations
buttonList.append(Button([100 * x + 80, 100 * i + 10], key))

while True:
success, img =
# flip image, to avoid mirrored
img = cv2.flip(img, 1)

img = detector.findHands(img) # find hand
lmList, bboxInfo = detector.findPosition(img) # land marks

draw_all_buttons(img, buttonList)

# check for finger tip
if lmList:
for button in buttonList:
x, y = button.first_pos
w, h = button.btn_size

if x < lmList[8][0] < x+w and y < lmList[8][1] < y+h:
# dark btn colors
cv2.rectangle(img, button.first_pos, (x + w, y + h), (150, 150, 150), cv2.FILLED) # gray color
cv2.putText(img, button.text, (x + 18, y + 62), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4, (0, 0, 0), 3)
l, _, _ = detector.findDistance(8, 12, img, draw=False) # distance between 2nd and 3rd fingers

# click the particular btn
if l < 30:
# change btn colors # type on real keyboard
cv2.rectangle(img, button.first_pos, (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED) # green color
cv2.putText(img, button.text, (x + 18, y + 62), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 4, (0, 0, 0), 3)
finalText += button.text

cv2.putText(img, finalText, (165, 400), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 5, (255, 0, 0), 3)

cv2.imshow("Virtual Keyboard", img)



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